Saturday, August 31, 2019

Groupe Ariel S.A. Essay

Abstract Groupe Ariel is a company that manufactures and sells printers, copiers and other document production equipment. The case focuses on an investment project in the company’s Mexican subsidiary that would expand operations into a new market, something it been slow to do in the past. Groupe Ariel believes its products have better durability for a lower after-sales service costs and markets it as a competitive advantage. The company is now considering replacing the manual equipment used for recycling in Mexico by new equipment that requires less material and labor costs. 1. Compute the incremental peso cash flows for the life of the project. The incremental cash flows of the next 10 years should be calculated. The initial cash outflow is the cost of investment in the new equipment (3,500,000 Pesos). Also, selling the manual equipment for cash value of 175,000 Pesos is subtracted from the cost of the new equipment to arrive at the initial net cash outlay of 3,325,000 Pesos. For the cash flows in the next 10 years, it is calculated by taking the difference of the cost of the manual method and the new automatic equipment. Next, to arrive at after-tax incremental cash flows we add back depreciation cost, which is non-cash expense (if total cost does include depreciation) and deduct tax. The new equipment would have a useful life of 10 years and would be depreciated under the straight-line method for both tax and financial reporting purposes. The corporate tax rate is 35%. 2. Compute the net present value of Ariel-Mexico’s recycling equipment in pesos by discounting the incremental peso cash flows at a peso discount rate. The present value of all these cash inflows and outflows can be calculated by discounting them at 8.5%, which was calculated by using real peso long-term borrowing rate of 2.2% and a real euro rate of 1.8%. The NPV can be calculated by taking the sum of present values of all the cash flows. This NPV comes out to be 3,754,474 Pesos. 3. Compute the NPV in Euros by translating the project’s future peso cash flows into Euros at the expected future spot rates. We translate the project’s future peso cash flows into Euros using the expected future spot rates estimated by the international business publication in the article—rise to 20.00 by 2011 from current 15.99 exchange rate and upwards of 25.00 in 2013-2018. We then discount the cash flows in Euros at 8% (the discount rate for similar projects in France) and get the NPV in Euros as 118,903 Euros. 4. Translate the NPV in pesos calculated in 2. To Euros and compare to the answer in 3. Comment on your findings. We translate the NPV in pesos calculated in 2 to Euros using the spot exchange rate on June 23 at MXN15.99/EUR. It gives an NPV of 234,801 in Euros, which is much higher than our number in question 3 as 118,903 Euros. The difference is driven by prediction of Pesos against Euros, and a slight different discount rate. From our analysis, we see that expectation of steep depreciation in pesos and a slightly higher discount rate in Mexico result in a much higher NPV value if we translate the pesos into Euros now.

Friday, August 30, 2019

AP Essay: Maria W. Stewart Essay

The Great Missippi In the passage â€Å"Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927† the author John M. Barry describes elaborately the functions and complexity of the Mississippi River. The author wants to inform the reader about the fascinating characteristic the Mississippi River offers, through a descriptive and informative passage. The author’s fascination of the river is incredible due to the simple, solid facts that are stated. Throughout the passage the author uses many rhetorical devices to amplify his message such as diction, vivid imagery, and simile. The author uses a series of rhetorical devices in the passage such as asyndeton to help communicate his fascination of rivers to the reader. An example of this is â€Å"It generates its own internal forces through its size, its sediment load, its depth, variations in its bottom, its ability to cave in the riverbank and slide sideways for miles, and even tidal influences†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (20-23). This example is very useful to our understanding of rivers because it’s very detailed and rich in in facts. Another rhetorical device the author uses in the passage is the usage of similes. A clear example of this is â€Å"Rather, it moves south in layers and whorls, like an uncoiling rope made up of a multitude of discrete fibers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (36-38). This is a very interesting example of a simile, simply because it compares two things with very descriptive words and because it gives the reader a more concrete understanding of the rivers strength. It also makes the reader become more engaged and interested to the passage. The last rhetorical device in the passage is the use of vivid imagery. The author uses this powerful device in the passage to amplify and captivate the reader. An example of this is â€Å"Humphreys observed an eddy, running upstream at seven miles an hour and extending half across the river, whirling and foaming†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (47-49). This example helps the reader emphasize the rivers complexity and.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Compare and contrast the concepts of ‘alienation’ and ‘anomie’ Essay

Karl Marx first outlined his theory of alienation in The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts (1844) and refers to a define set of social relationships that were first formed in feudal societies which then became disrupted by modern industrial society. Marx himself said when discussing the topic of alienation â€Å"The worker becomes poorer the more wealth he produces and the more his production increases in power and extent. The worker becomes an ever cheaper commodity the more goods he creates. The devaluation of the human world increases in direct relation to the increase in value of the world of things. Labour does not only create goods; it also produces itself and the worker as a commodity, and indeed in the same proportion as it produces goods†. Anomie however, is defined by Emile Durkheim as a change in â€Å"normalness† and a breakdown of social regulations. Durkheim became interested in the social condition characterised by a breakdown of ‘norms’ governing social interactions. â€Å"The state of anomie is impossible wherever organs solidly linked to one another are in sufficient contact, and in sufficiently lengthy contact. Indeed, being adjacent to one another, they are easily alerted in every situation to the need for one another and consequently they experience a keen, continuous feeling of their mutual dependence.† (Durkheim, E: 1893). Durkheim went on to develop his interest of anomie further when he began his research into ‘Suicide’, where he suggested that when a person’s ‘norms’ and rules that regulate their lifestyle become week, this can lead to a form of suicide which he called ‘Anomic Suicide’. Marx believed that there were four degrees of alienation that break down the fundamental link that human beings have to their self defining qualities. Firstly there is ‘product alienation’ which Marx believed was alienating to the worker because the products that they produce do not reflect their creative energies and are merely objects produced by the command of the employer (Ransome, P: 2010). Which he argues was present in industrialised society but not in feudal societies as a result of capitalism and its economic gain fuelled society. (Morrison, K: 2006). Secondly, Marx said that alienation could come from ‘act of production’. This, according to Marx is linked to ‘product alienation’ as the product of labour is alienating then  so is the act of production. So in capitalist societies people have no choice but to work and feel alienated to meet their basic needs. Marx’s work stated that â€Å"The worker feels himself only when he is not working; when he is working he does not feel himself†¦ his labour is therefore not voluntary but forced† (Marx, K: 1844). Thirdly, Marx suggested that there was alienation due to ‘common purpose’. He outlined that this happened when a worker’s social relationships become debased and they are taken from a cooperative social dimension, for example on factory lines and in open offices. Finally the fourth alienation type that Marx wrote about was ‘alienation from humanity’. Marx believed that this happened when a person worked long hour days -as Marx wrote in the Victorian society this was extremely common- and to gether with the three other forms of alienation; a person lost their sense of humanity and became alienated from their own inner self (Ransome, P: 2010). That influenced suicide (Giddens, A: 2009). He argued that there were four types of suicide: Altruistic, Anomic, Egoistic and Fatalistic (Pope, W: 1976). Altruistic suicide being too much social integration, for example suicide bombers give up their life for the needs of their social group (Giddens, A: 2009). Egoistic suicide, in Durkheim’s terms was due to insufficient regulation. This can be seen in societies such as religious groups; Durkheim found that suicide was higher in the Protestant religion than it was in Catholic religious groups. He believed that this was due to the Catholic religion having a more strict regulations, so therefore people believed that it was ‘against god’ to commit suicide and also with the Catholic society being greater regulated, he believed that this closer connected society made the people have a greater sense of community and moral values so did not feel the need to commit suicide (Ransome, P: 2010). Durkheim related the low suicide rates during World War 1 to this as he believed the face of an external enemy brought about social integration (Giddens, A: 2009). Fatalistic suicide for Durkheim was due to excess regulation. This can be seen in contemporary society in prisons as people feel that they have no sense of future or self worth. However Durkheim felt that this type of suicide was of little importance in modern society but it was of specific historical interest. Historically, this is evident in the  slave communities in America during the civil war (Morrison, K: 2006). Durkheim argued that Anomic suicide occurs when rules and ‘norms’ that govern a person’s lifestyle become unstable and break down. He looked at this subject of suicide by researching the suicide rates of industrial society during periods of economic crisis created by financial recession and periods of economic change. Between 1845 and 1869 in Europe, Durkheim identified that there was a rapid rise in suicide rates, which he linked to the economic state at the time as there was repeated economic crisis, which resulted in a dramatic decline in the business cycle and severe bankruptcies. He also acknowledged that there was a specific pattern of the suicide rates during this time across Europe; he found that there was a rise in the rates of suicide as the state of the economy decreased, and when the crisis deteriorated the rates fell. However as the economy worsened again, the suicides increased (Morrison, K: 2006). When taking into account Durkheim’s theory of ‘Anomic Suicide’ and Marx’s four types of alienation, it could be argued that there are several similarities between the two social theories. ‘Alienation’ in basic terms defines the relationship that a worker -mainly- has with their productive role and their self being within society. ‘Anomie’ can be suggested to relate to this similarly as it seems that it defines a person’s self being within society and themselves. However, critiques have suggested that the theory of anomie for Durkheim was not in fact in relation to a person but it refers to society, although there are definite implications of a person’s state of mind in his works (Robinson, J; Shaver P and Wrightsman, L: 1991). When referring to the subject of anomie, social thoughts of other sociologists must be taken into account. Robert Mereton extended Durkheim’s thoughts on anomie and emphasised that an individual intensifies their anomie when they chose to discard their ‘norms’ to acquire to their intricate desires and thus anomie and deviant behaviour draw from a disjunction between a culturally prescribed aspiration of a society and socially constructed avenues for creating those aspirations (Giddens, A: 2009). Durkheim’s theory of anomie can be seen as similar to both Mereton’s interpretation of anomie and Marx’s theory of alienation in terms of isolation and disorientation. However clearly it can be seen that there is a  significant difference in retrospect to money being the source of the proletarian’s lifestyle and the theory that it keeps the ruling class on top and the rest of the population down in terms of Marx’s thought of alienation, where as Durkheim dealt with the themes of attitudes and expectations of the society within his theory of anomie and people resisting and having the choice of their lifestyle rather than being forced into lifestyles alike in alienation (Perry, R: 2007). Looking for examples of OUR work? Click here to see our Essay Writing Examples > Want to know more about our services? Take a look at our Writing & Marking Service Index > Although Marx and Durkheim’s definitions are clearly the classical concepts of these theories, it has been suggested that contemporary society has obscured these definitions. It can be said that ‘Alienation for Marx and Anomie for Durkheim were metaphors for a radical attack on the dominant institutions and values of industrial society’. From this they take on similar issues, but in different perspectives; Marx took on the conception of the relationship between man and society and the ‘value of freedom from constraint’ through the interest of power and change. Durkheim however, was interested in the ‘transcendental value and moral constraint’ through problems with maintenance of order. When taking into account Marx and Durkheim’s research however there are critiques that need to be considered. Many people argued that Durkheim’s research on anomie and suicide could not be one hundred percent accurate; this was because it was apparent that Durkheim used other people’s research and did not conduct his own. Durkheim used suicide statistics in Germany, however these statistics were taken by Durkheim at face value and not critiqued. Also it could be argued that Durkheim’s interdependence theory may not have been completely free from his own background assumptions and laden judgement. The main article that needs to be considered when studying suicide is â€Å"How do some deaths get categorised as suicides?† according to Atkinson, J (1978). When taking into account this question it makes one consider whether the initial research and  also Durkheim’s assumptions were one hundred percent because the research was conducted across Germany, with statistics from many different coroners, who each would arguably have had their own laden judgement as to what constitutes as suicide. So it is argued that Durkheim was taking what the coroner constituted as suicide so therefore the suicide categories are not objective facts but interpretations and meanings given to a particular event. Therefore to have done his research more accurately and to allow no criticisms Durkheim should have conducted his own research. He could have arguably done this by talking to people that have themselves attempted to commit and families of those who have, to find the different reasons behind the attempted or actual suicide (Atkinson, J: 1978). One could initially argue that Capitalism is the main cause of both alienation and anomie. In anomie, Durkheim saw a number of indications relating to anomie in the late nineteenth century such as industrial conflict and marital breakup; which he believed was related to the industrial society and the growth of capitalism (Durkheim, E: 1893). However, Marx believed that alienation was aided by capitalism. He believed this as there was a fiercely competitive nature of capitalism that forced industries such as factories to step up their means of production and productivity, to gain economic status and power (Marx, K: 1844). In conclusion, Alienation in retrospect means people becoming isolated from society as a result from industry and Anomie in retrospect is a change in normalness of their social status. It is clear from this that one could argue that alienation and anomie could both mean isolation to a person but however in different forms. So therefore it could be argued that alienation is isolation of a person from their economic status quo, and anomie is isolation of a human being from their social status quo and personal norms. However from the information throughout the essay it can also be suggested that the differences between alienation an anomie comes from the status of the concepts, as alienation is said to be relate and revolve to a person singularly, where as anomie is said to describe a social group rather than one person alone. To conclude, it can be argued that there alienation and anomie have both similar and unique concepts. This is evident from the  sources used throughout the essay, however it cannot be regarded completely as research or information that is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Changing Relationship Between Government Essay

The Changing Relationship Between Government - Essay Example There is some form of a market which gives the government too much power in the market and therefore it is the form that is used by different countries that is ultimately the one which determines the kind of relationship between any government and the business. There is some form of the market which gives the government too much power in the market and therefore it exerts a lot of control when dealing with business. This as the characteristic of most emerging markets immediately after the Second World War. But the capitalist economies have proved that closed markets which are controlled by the government are no better than an open market where the theories of demand and supply are used. In the closed market, there is a lot of control on the price of commodities in the market as well as the process of the business. The government sets the prices which are in the effort of preventing the businesses from exploiting the consumers. But this model of the market gives fewer market incentive s for the business and it also encourages monopoly. There is also a lot of political control of the business. Therefore liberalized market has been seen as an appropriate market model that can be used by the government in the market. Many countries have in the recent past adopted a liberalized market and have recorded massive growth in their economies. For example, China has been having a socialist closed economy until 1989 when it opened up the market. Since then there has been massive growth of the economy which has performed well compared to the earlier times. China has been able to rise to one of the strongest world economy by liberalization its market.

Harmful ingredients within protein shakes Essay

Harmful ingredients within protein shakes - Essay Example Protein shake is a mixture of a powdered form of protein with water, juice, or milk. Bodybuilders consume this mixture after or before practice to supplement their diets increase the protein levels in the body. Bodybuilders usually require high levels of protein to achieve maximum muscle growth. The exact amount of protein, that an athlete is uncertain, and usually left for the user to decide the desired amount. The protein powder is, in variety flavors, to suit the different users. Protein shakes are a popular source of protein since it is directly absorbed into the body. However, the levels of nutrients found in it may not be in the amount exactly required. Different people require different levels of nourishment needs. For example in the human structure, women require more iron as compared to men. In studies conducted and reported by independent laboratories in United States, popular brands of protein shakes prove to contain higher than the recommended levels of heavy metals. The law recommends a minimum of fifteen, five, ten, and fifteen micrograms per day of arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury levels respectively. This shows that a majority of the brands of powder shakes are a threat to the health of their users (Coleman, 2008). Cadmium is one of the extremely poisonous metals. Thus, even very small traces of cadmium present in the body can cause severe damage in the body. Usually this metal is majorly in industrial work places. Just a small exposure to it may result to symptoms such as fever, chills, and muscle ache. With an increase in cadmium exposure, it causes respiratory damages such as pneumonitis, trachea-bronchitis, and pulmonary edema. Cadmium poisoning too affects other internal organs such as kidney and bones (Avedon, 2007). Another heavy metal present in a majority of the protein shakes is lead. Lead accumulates in the body leading to severe emergency symptoms. Medical experts show that even low levels of lead if present in a child may hinder a child’s mental and body development. In addition, lead is more dangerous to children as compared to adults. Some of the complications because of lead poisoning include; kidney damage, hearing problems, hindering body growth, reduced levels of IQ, and behavior problems. Its symptoms include headaches, anemia, irritability, low appetite, abdominal pain, and cramping (Shamy, 2013). As mentioned above, mostly children are vulnerable to the effects of lead poisoning. Administering protein shakes to children can lead to disaster in children development. In 2005, a study published in pediatrics’ journal found that protein shakes is common to individuals between the ages of twelve and eighteen. This shows a majority of children gain higher protein levels by use of protein shakes (Massie, 2012). High levels of arsenic in the body lead to arsenic poisoning. At early stages of the condition, the victims suffer headaches, drowsiness, confusion, and severe diarrhea. Lungs, skin, l iver, and kidneys are the major internal organs that suffer the wrath of arsenic poisoning. Very high levels usually lead to night blindness. In some cases, the victim slips into a coma and finally dies. High arsenic levels are not good for the body making protein shakes a threat to its user (Sewell, 2013). Mercury is a heavy metal, whose exposure results to hydrargyriasis. Having different symptoms from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

To answer three questions that were given Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

To answer three questions that were given - Essay Example After clearing high school, I got a good grade, which could have enabled me be admitted to the university; however, my dream since I was young was to attend a private college since I thought this were the best colleges, which offered the best education. The major problem was that the fees were too high for my parents to afford, I received letters from different colleges, but I knew this was going to be tough since my parents could not afford. After several sad days of thinking that I will not manage to go to the college of my choice, my parents broke the great news, as we were taking our supper. They told me that there was a college that was offering packages and they were in a position to pay for me. I could not hide my joy, even though I knew that I could not board like the other students I still appreciated the effort they made to make my dream come true. I face several challenges as a commuter, since I have to work when am not in school In order to help my parents through paying my tuition and buying books. My dream after graduating from college is to attend a law school, I have always admired the work of an attorney and therefore it has been my dream to become one. Moreover, my interest is to specialize in immigration or criminal law, many immigrants fail to seek legal advice since they are not in a position to pay for a counsel and that’s why am willing to sacrifice in order I can be in a position to help all the immigrants who will be seeking my legal services. I like sports since it has helped me to be physically fit and to keep myself busy when am not studying; moreover, it has helped me to be disciplined and confident, I have always liked swimming since I was little; I always hoped that one day I would join a swimming team. As I grew older I managed to join a swimming team, but the first days were very frustrating to me since I could not

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Intelligence - Essay Example Conducted studies and research have also shown that the cultural background of an individual also influences the type of products and services they purchase and use (Moss and Atre, 2003). As a marketer it is important to understand the behaviour of consumers to be able to influence the decisions that they make. This includes the reasons that influence buyers to purchase certain products. In our case we should strive at understanding the reasons that make consumers use perfumes, deodorants, body sprays and after shaves. It is also important to understand the factors that influence consumers to make their buying decisions. The society and the changes it faces also influence the buying decisions of consumers. Therefore, it is necessary to study it to effectively understand how it affects consumer buying behaviour. This can be achieved by creation of marketing programs that will interest customers especially when launching new products into the market for instance the use of advertisements. Such kind of knowledge will enable the firm to easily determine the priorities and preference of consumers. In our scenario the firm will be able to determine the reaction and perception that the buyers will have towards the marketing strategies that will be implemented. Therefore, the firm will be in a better position of predicting the success rate of the marketing strategies formulated by studying the response that the consumers will portray towards our new cosmetic products. The firm will also be able to appropriately elaborate on the marketing mix concepts which include what, where, when and how factors that will satisfy consumers and at the same time lure them. Consumers make purchases in order to satisfy their needs which may be basic (clothing, housing, food, shelter and medical attention) or survival needs which vary depending on an individual’s preference and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Measurement and interpretation of the application of corporate Research Proposal

Measurement and interpretation of the application of corporate governance to increase the competitive advantages of the economic units - Research Proposal Example The corporate governance codes are generated by the companies so as to satisfy the stakeholders, which include employees, investors, customers and suppliers. The research aims at understanding whether the corporate governance codes are effective enough to increase the strength of the company or whether it can be considered as one of the most important strategy to increase its competitive advantage. Therefore, corporate governance codes are defined along with its relevance at different levels of management. It is observed that the impact of effective corporate governance code leads to increase in market share of the company as the customers and investors are satisfied with their overall performance. Hence, the research will aim at establishing the relation between corporate governance and competitive advantage in a broader way. Corporate governance has become one of the active topics of discussion and research among the academic researchers and also a significant subject for initiating a debate. There have been several studies pertaining to corporate governance highlighting its importance and impacts on the performance of companies (Singh and Davidson, 2003). There are also researchers, who have focussed on the mechanism of corporate governance i.e. establishing a relationship between board of directors and stakeholders, transparency in the disclosure and safeguarding the interest of stakeholders. However, these researchers have ignored the importance of practising external corporate governance, which has the ability to prevent interference of the managers that may affect the welfare of the stakeholders (Singh and Davidson, 2003). In this case, it should be stated that both external and internal corporate governance are essential for gaining competitive advantage. The overall effect of the interference is reflected on effectiveness of the governance of the company. Therefore, in order to fill up the gap in the academic researches on this

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Alcoholism Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alcoholism - Case Study Example ? (Mokdad, Marks, Stroup & Gerberding 2000) Professional health care practitioners are constantly vigilant on monitoring alcohol dependents, especially if it exists in conjunction with other illnesses, say, tuberculosis. In this regard, this essay is written to evaluate the case of Lisa, a 27 year old single woman with problems of alcoholism and tuberculosis. In the process, the following issues would be addressed: (1) As the public health nurse, how would you address Lisa’s predicaments? Are there things you would have done similarly with Teri? (2) How would you prioritize Lisa’s treatment plan? Explain your rationale for your proposal. (3) Comment on the statement: â€Å"Alcoholism is a Disease.† Do you agree of disagree? Support your arguments. And (4) does the concept of dual diagnosis, or co-morbidity affect Lisa’s treatment plan? What would you suggest as the public health nurse attending to Lisa’s treatment? In working with Lisa, the public health nurse, Teri, showed persistence, determination and compassion in her quest to address the problems. Given the scenario, I would have done exactly the same thing as Teri. She was right in finding out where Lisa transferred. Her dialogue with Lisa showed compassion but stressed the importance of continuing medications for Lisa’s tuberculosis. She was direct in inquiring regarding Lisa’s drinking problem and was able to solicit the appropriate response. She even called the counselor, Roni, from the Alcohol Treatment Center, to make sure that Lisa would resume her required sessions for counseling. Finally, the strategy of giving her calling card was an additional assurance that Lisa can contact Teri anytime she plans to move. As averred by Teri, Lisa must continue taking her medications for tuberculosis. She was correct in stressing that this is a priority since tuberculosis is an infectious disease and can infect other people she relates with (not only her sister but even Teri, Roni, and the rest of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

PH Titrations Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

PH Titrations - Lab Report Example In the chemistry of acids and bases, titration is used in determining the value of pH for different solutions (Verma, D. 2006). Whenever we carry out an acid-base titration, an indicator is normally used in telling whether the solution is an acid or a base. In other cases an indicator may change its clear a process that is described as a titration end point. In many cases, color changes may be observed in mixing two solutions together in the proportions that are exact. Such a mixture may be defined as an equivalence point. In order to gain more understanding on titrations, an experiment was set to investigate the pH values for different solutions. Hypothesis The hypothesis of the study was to determine the pH at the equivalence point and the unknown concentration of the acids Aim The aim of the study was to find out the pH at different points of the unknown acids concentration. Methodology. Apparatus. The instruments and the apparatus used in this study include Bulb Pipette, burette, conical flask, 3 substances; HCl, NaOH, and CH3COOH, beaker, electrode, Magnetic, stirrer, and the pH meter. Procedure The burette was filled with 1,0 mol of sodium hydroxide dm-3 up to a zero mark. The conical flask was also filled. About 25cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 of HCl was added using a pipette. The flask was placed on a magnetic stirrer, and the stirrer dropped back into the flask. The stirrer was turned on in the medium to avoid movements of the bar to hit the glass. The titration was them started with a similar volume to that in the table. After each titration the pH for each solution was recorded. The process was repeated for vinegar and hydrochloric acid. The collected data was presented in table 1 and 2 in the results section. Table 1: pH values for HCl V of NaOH PH of HCl 0 1,86 1 1,91 2 1,98 2.5 2,03 3 2,09 3.5 2,22 4 2,43 4.2 2,53 4.4 2,74 4.5 2,96 4.6 3,29 4.7 5,10 5 10,85 5.5 11,44 6 11,64 7 11,46 CV=CV NaOH Acid HCl 4,7x0,514=25xC C of HCl=0,0966 Table 2: pH values of CH3 COOH V of NaOH PH of CH3COOH 0 2,91 1 3,76 2 4,36 2.5 4,58 3 4,84 3.5 5,10 4 5,70 4.2 6,38 4.4 10,15 4.5 10,60 4.6 10,75 4.7 10,90 5 11,10 5.5 11,43 6 11,61 7 11,81 NaOH CH3COOH 4,3x0,514 = 25xC C of CH3COOH=0,0884 Graph 1: A graph of base versus strong acid Graph 2: A graph of a weak acid and a base. Discussion In this experiment the set up was used in calculating the quantity of the acid that is unknown inside the receiving flask through measuring the quantity of the tyrant or the base taken for the acid to be neutralized. In many cases, there are two categories of methods used to identify a neutralized solution. The first method involves using a pH meter inside the receiving flask and adding the base up to when the value of the pH reads 7. Another method uses an indicator (Matar, S. 2001). In this case, an indicator is a base or an acid having a conjugate base or acid with a color different from that of a compound that is original. There would be some changes in the color when th e solution has a one to one ratio of the mixture of the different forms of colored indicators. From the equation of the Henderson-Hasselbatch, the pH of the solution would be equated to the pH of the indicator when the indicators’ end point is realized. At this point, the solution’s pH and the titrand’s volume would be identified, and the amount of base needed for neutralization of the solution that is not known can easily be deduced. The obtained data was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Happiness Interviews and Happiness Analyzed Essay Example for Free

Happiness Interviews and Happiness Analyzed Essay The first person I interviewed was my mom, Shirley. The reason I chose her is because she is 83 years old and raised seven kids during the early part of the Cold War. She has been married twice, she been broke then been comfortable but not wealthy, and she has seen her share of health problems. For my second interview, I chose a new co-worker named Doug. He is a 21 year old, homosexual, single father. While he does work to pay bills, he grew up in a family with money and usually gets what he asks for. He has never experienced a traumatic event such as a death in the family, serious health conditions, or hard financial times. He is the exact opposite of my mother, making him a perfect comparison. Interview with Shirley Question: What does Happiness mean to you? Response: Well, to me happiness is just being content with life. Bills paid with a little money in my pocketbook, time to relax, and spending time with people I love. Question: Has this always been your definition of Happiness? Why or why not? Response: No, of course not. When I married at 17, I thought happiness was being married and raising a family. However, being as it was just after WWII, birth control was out of my control, and as time went on, my husband failed to work, and the burden of taking care of 7 children on government funds and part-time bartending was almost too much. Happiness had fleeted from my life. My marriage ended after my eighth child died a day after birth and I had a hysterectomy. My husband felt that I was no longer a woman and filed for divorce and custody of our kids. After the divorce, my oldest son left for the Navy and my younger kids had been ordered to life with their father, I was miserable. Finally, I began working full-time, and found happiness within myself. Things got even better when I met your dad. Having a loving husband and a job I loved, I thought I had it all. I had no idea that 7 years after we married, we would get the chance to adopt you, completing the circle. Life was complete and I had never been happier. Question: What was your definition of happiness then? Response: Happiness was staying home and raising you while your dad worked and made enough for us to pay the bills and not be broke, and our family time on the weekend with no worries just each other. Question: After suffering from a life-threatening heart condition leading to open-heart surgery and almost losing your husband to a heart attack, did happiness take on a new meaning? Response: Of course. Now happiness is living one more day to see my wonderful husband, my daughter, and my precious granddaughter. Without that, life would be unbearable. Happiness is also knowing that those you love are happy and satisfied with their lives. Question: Do you think your opinion of happiness will change in the future? Response: Not likely, I mean I am 83 years old. Not much about me is gonna change at this point in my life. (S. Burkhert, personal communication, March 23, 2012) Interview with Doug Question: What does Happiness mean to you? Response: Happiness is doing what I want when I want, not answering to anyone, and having enough money to do whatever. It’s about being comfortable with whom I am as a gay man with a daughter and as a young adult with so many things I want to do. Question: Does it affect your happiness if your actions cause someone else sadness or pain? What about your daughter’s happiness. Response: No, I don’t really care about other people.  I care about me first and if it makes my daughter happy too, then it’s a bonus. I get what I want because if I’m unhappy, nobody’s happy. Question: Have you always been that greedy about your happiness? Response: Yeah, pretty much. Question: Don’t you think everyone has the right to be happy? Response: Sure, as long as it doesn’t affect me. (D. Pittman, personal communication, March 26, 2012) Happiness Analyzed Dawn Burkhert HU300 – Arts and Humanities Kaplan University In The Art of Being Human, Aristippus defined happiness as the sum of total pleasures experienced during one’s lifetime. However, after interviewing two totally different people, reading Chapter 7 in The Art of Being Human, and analyzing my own thoughts about happiness, I do not believe Aristippus’ definition to be accurate. To some, it’s about raising a family and enjoying life’s little moments, to others it’s about personal happiness at any cost, and to a few it is about doing good deeds for other people. Happiness can be fleeting or ever-lasting, can be spiritually influenced or materialistic. For every person, happiness takes on a different meaning. During the first interview with my 83 year old mom, Shirley, family was a key ingredient to her happiness. She was raised to believe in marriage and large families, as well as never putting herself first. Her happiness lies within knowing that she is making her family happy and spending time with her loved ones. She never asks for much, but always gives more than anyone could ever ask. Acts of such selflessness are not as plentiful as in her days, post the Great Depression and during the Cold War. On the other side of the coin, Doug, my second interview is very much the believer is selfish happiness. He feels that his happiness lies with him getting what he wants, when he wants, and without regard to others. As a 21 year old single man, Doug feels that he must always be happy before he can make his daughter happy. He said he would break a promise to his daughter in a heartbeat to do or get something he wanted. He stated that his happiness should come before all others. He has little consideration for others and could care less about other people’s opinions. This seems to be a destructive attitude to have, especially since we will not always get what we want, when we want, or how we want. As for me, I think that happiness should be both about ourselves and those surrounding us. Without happiness, we are nothing more than God-made robots. We were made to feel empathy, sympathy, joy, sadness and other sordid emotions. Happiness is supposed to be the most cherished of emotions according to the emotional state theory of happiness (http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/happiness/). Of all theories of happiness I have researched through the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, I agree the most with the life satisfaction theory. This theory states that happiness is a positive outlook on a person’s whole life not just a few selected events. The life satisfaction theory is the most applicable of theories I think because it tells us not to pick and choose which events in our life brought us happiness or which we would like to forget. It lends itself to the idea that regret of past events or bitter feelings of things we cannot change is not acceptable†¦be happy with who and what you are regardless of your situation and others’ opinions. That describes me so well and I think everyone should feel this way. Happiness is a wonderful feeling, no matter what it is that makes us feel this emotion. I doubt there will ever be a universal opinion of what happiness really is, what it constitutes, and what brings it to us. Some people are happiest while serving others, some while being served, and others are content just being alone. Regardless of how we obtain happiness, we all deserve happiness.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Video Game Addiction Essay Example for Free

Video Game Addiction Essay In recent years there has been a great increase of children spending too much time playing video games rather than spending time reading books or school related curricular activities. As a result, because children are being introduced to video games at such a young age, they are becoming addicted, resulting in poor academic performance and also affecting their social skills. Video game addiction has been categorized ad an â€Å"addiction† since it’s similar to other addictive behaviors, demonstrating that it can last for years and not solely a symptom of comorbid disorders. Electronic gaming has exploded in popularity and for some children has become their primary recreational activity (Olsen, et al. , 2007). As new technology and new video consoles are released, both children and adults are attracted and end up buying these new consoles. Tech savvy adults like to have the latest technology which leads to the purchase of the products and their children are exposed which leads to an addiction. Studies have shown that, (Weinstein 2010) in different countries have used different scales to assess prevalence of computer game addiction. There have been a whole host of case studies in the medical literature reporting some of the adverse effects of playing video games (21, 22). These have included auditory hallucinations (23), enuresis (24), encoprisis (25), wrist pain (26), neck pain (27), elbow pain (27), tenosynovitis- also called â€Å"nintendinitis† (28–31), hand-arm vibration syn- drome (32), repetitive strain injuries (33), and peripheral neuropathy (34) (Weinstein 2010)Video game addiction has been categorized as (Douglas, et al. , 2011) pathological video game use, commonly called video game â€Å"addiction†. It is considered â€Å"pathological† because of its similarities to â€Å"gambling† addiction, since it’s begins as entertainment, but then progresses to an addiction. Players lose sense of time and control and find playing fun and rewarding, but then becomes dysfunctional because it affects the child’s social growth and their school curricular activities as well as outdoor interest. Users may play compulsively, isolating themselves from other forms of social contact, and focus almost entirely on in-game achievements rather than broader life events (Weinstein 2010). Parents and families are also affected because they find themselves dealing with the child’s addiction that it makes it difficult to monitor the children 24/7. However there are major concerns among parents and Doctors that spending too much time playing video games may eventually put a stress on the child’s social engagement other peers and rather prefer isolation to continue playing these videos games. Others suggest that consumer should be informed about the potential addiction risks that can be attributed to playing video games (Van Rooij, et al. , 2009). Warning messages about [overuse of video games] risks have never appeared before [ such as those found] on leisure products such as bicycles, swings, soccer balls, and guitars, making these specific warning messages very atypical and unusual (Van Rooij, et al. , 2009). However now there are Centers that can be found in different countries including the US that specialized in these types of addiction to assist the children and their families overcome this pathological addiction. According to findings that after children were treated at this Centers and after treatment the gaming hours did reduce a fair amount, with significant progress.

Brief History Of Hrm Business Essay

Brief History Of Hrm Business Essay Introduction Literature Review In this present world of globalisation, most, if not all the organisations are facing the ever changing challenges of keeping sustainable profitability to be able to survive, particularly in this current economic downturn situation. In all the organisations, one of the major challenges is the need to manage its resources Human resources which are considered as its most valuable assets- . This is where the Human Resource Management (HRM) has its place. Brief History of HRM Before HRM, Personnel Management (PM) saw its debut in the year 1970 and comprised of the activities like recruitment, selection, work conditions, welfare of employees and training and development and employee exit (retrenchment, retiring schemes) Henderson, (2008). It was the only process used by the large organisations in managing its people resources. PM is called the traditional method also called the personnel administration and it plays such role as intermediary between the employer and the employees. Since 1980, HRM evolved from PM and is believed to be new versions of PM by some while others consider that it is a new wine in an old wineskin. However HRM has added functions compared with the PM and is defined as the strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organisations. Moreover, HRM is a management that deals with recruiting, selecting, training and developing human resources within an organization. When properly managed, the HRM can contribute a lot in achieving the organizations strategic objectives. Many managers and management theorists believe that HRM is a vital element in the survival and success of the 21st century organisations. Peter Drucker, (1993) refers to the idea that peoples skills, knowledge and creativity are the key resource for economic and organisational success which he called the knowledge-based economy (Henderson, 2008). Definition of Human Resource Management: The HRM is defined as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organisations (Armstrong and Baron, 2009). The differences between Personnel management and Human Resource Management is that, PM considers people as economic persons who work for money or salary whereas HRM views people as having economic, social and psychological needs. A brief comparison between HRM and PM is given in the following table. Table 1 Functions of HRM The functions of the HRM are split into two parts namely; the Managerial functions and the Operative functions. The emphasis is on the strategic part of the management of people within the organisation. Treating people as assets instead of cost. Adopting the Unitarist approach rather than the pluralist approach (Employee and employer have same interests). Encourage the line managers to apply the HR functions toward their subordinates. The HR manager therefore, faces multiple challenges among which is to ensure, on one hand, that the right employee is recruited and employed for the right job, at the right time and on the other hand, to have a sustainable competitive advantage to ensure that the organisation achieves its strategic aims. Therefore, the HR manager has to set up within the HRM scope, a performance management system that will ensure that the organisation and its employees as well as the individual have the skills to perform and be motivated to contribute in the success of the company. The Performance Management System (PMS) The word Performance basically means the accomplishment, execution, carrying out, working of anything ordered and undertaken (output/outcomes). It is also about the action of doing the work as well as the results achieved (Oxford Online dictionary, 2012). History: There is no full evidence on when formal performance management started but it is said that it began with the emperors of the Wei Dynasty (AD 221 265) where there was an imperial rater who evaluated the performance of the official family. Then it was recorded centuries later a system was established by Ignatius Loyola and the rating of the members of the Jesuit Society was formally done. The Milestones on Performance management are briefly given as follows: First monitoring system evolved from the work of F. Taylor before World War I. Rating of military officers was done in the year 1920s. Merit rating came to the USA UK between 1950s and 1960s. Management by Objective during the 1970s Result oriented system was issued in 1970s as well. The term performance management was first coined in 1970s by Beer and Ruh. However, the process was not accepted until during the latter half of 1980s. (Beer and Ruh, 1976). (Armstrong and Baron, 2005). Definition: According to Armstrong and Baron (1998), Performance Management is both a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering successful results in organizations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and individuals. PMS can also be defined as the process of taking systematic action to improve organisation, team and individuals performance expectations to be defined and creates the basis for development of organisations and individuals capability (Armstrong and Baron, 2010). The purpose of a PMS is to: Communicate an organisations vision of its objectives to all employees. Set performance targets in departmental and individual levels. Conduct performance appraisal sessions once or twice a year to review the progress of the employees in relation to the targets set. Identify gaps in the training, development as well as establish any reward wherever needed. In this case, the organisation can benefit from the improved skills and competency of its employees because they would have become aware of what is expected from them while moving toward a sustainable profitability. The overall performance of the organisation will then improve and will manage to reach its strategic objectives and gain in competitive advantage. Performance Appraisal (PA) Definition: A performance appraisal or performance review is a review and discussion of an employees performance of assigned duties and responsibilities. PA is sometimes used to refer to PM which is different as PA is only part of the PMS and is used to rate the employee within an organisation. The appraisal is carried out once or twice a year which differs from organisation to organisation. It is based on an evaluation done by the manager with the employee and the results obtained on the employees job performance; not on the employees personality. The appraisal process is a system that an organisation uses to define and measure the skills level of each employee by the manager or supervisor. The result is then reviewed by both the subordinate and the manager to determine whether there is any need to improve on the skills by providing training or to decide whether the employee could be promoted to a higher level if his/her performance is above what was defined initially. The aim is to help the employees improve and in so doing, contribute in the improvement of the organisations performance to meet its strategic objectives. Some History on PA There was quite a lot of research being carried out in the past decades and the main purpose of the research is to minimise the rating errors. In the years 1950 to 1960, have seen the need to use the graphic rating skills which is related to a trait-based evaluation method and other discussions on changing the number of scale points (Peters McCormick, 1966). Other researchers started discussions on behavioural rating during the years 1950s (Flanagan, 1949, 1954). Then the Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) and the Behaviourally Observation Scale (BOS) were developed at a later stage. Many alternative models were proposed and tested until discussions were held on the need to move away from the focus on rating scale to consider the rater particularly, as argued by Landy and Farr (1980). Three broad factors were identified which pertain to the performance rating namely; Job performance of the ratees. Raters biases on the performance. And finally, the measurement error. (Wherry and Bartlett, 1982). (Budworth and Mann, 2011). Other issues with performance appraisal The other issues that could be found may be attributed to one of the following reasons: Appraisal is not done according to a standard or behaviour or even a benchmark. Unreliable human judgement Issue of validity and bias from the appraisers. The difficulty in knowing the contribution of the employee because the appraiser does not know the appraisee well enough (Kinnie and Lowe, 1990:47) for the latter is constantly changing department (Howell and Cameron 1996: 28). External factors like resources, processes, technology, corporate and HR strategy, working environment, external business context and management influencing directly on the employees performance. In order for an organisation to implement a PA system that is suitable for both the management and the employees, it is crucial to use a system which has some of the following features: A system on which all the managers who will be using the system are well trained on and accustomed with. The system which follows the S.M.A.R.T objectives Specific, Measurable, Achievable Relevant and Time bound clear, unambiguous, understandable and challenging to both the managers and the employees. This will prevent frustration, demotivation which may impact on the individuals performance. The PA method used should be transparent, that is, the manager should inform on the contents of the appraisal types to be used before carrying out the appraisal itself. Also, both parties could sign the document after having completed the appraisal if they agree. In the case where an appraiser deliberately alters the rating, this is considered as unfair and the PA system should cater for such injustice (Budford and Mann, 2011). When the PA is completed, the management has to provide feedback to the employees informing them on their respective performance level and whether they have reached the objective set in the previous PA sessions. If any employee is under performing, management should identify the gap and provide for any enhancement program to help the employee to improve. Therefore, the PA which is a continuous process will proceed on and the individual and also the team will benefit from a continuous performance improvement into the future. The organisation will also improve in its performance and will be able to better compete and excel in the business arena. Analysis and Discussion Armstrong and Baron (2005) argued that performance appraisal systems should be seen as being transparent and equitable, providing reporting consistency and regular feedback on performance. The two organisations that were selected are the CIM Global Business and AW Wong Trading Co Ltd. The former is a company which is considered as a large corporate with 320 employees and the latter company is employs 22 people. The company profiles of both companies may be viewed in the Appendix. The Performance Appraisal System at AW Wong Group

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

What is existentialism? Existentialism is a philosophical therory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person. Friedrich Nietzsche is a german philospher from the late 19th century. His interest were the enhancement of individual and cultural health. He believed in life, creativity, power, and the realities of the world we live in. Nietzsche was a difficult, complex, and controversial philosopher, he was claim to be part of a number of difficult philosophical movements. Friedrich Nietzsche was a very smart, intellegent man. He was born October 15, 1844, near a small town in the Prussian province of Saxony. His father, Karl Ludwig was a Lutheran Minister and died when Nietzsche was age five, leaving his wife, Franziska and his three children. Friedrich, the oldest child, Elisabeth, and a newborn baby boy who will also died not to long after birth. Nietzsche completed his secondary education at the boarding school of Pforta, he was a very excellent student. After, Nietzsche, he entered the University on Bonn, studying therology and classical philology. One year later, he stop taking therology and transferred to the University of Leipzig to get a doctorate in philology. At the age of 24, Nietzsche was offered a job at the University of Basel, one of the youngest men to ever be offered a job like this. When he was 28, The Birth of Tradgedy was published, his first book. Some of his most popular books are; Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, On the Genealogy of Morals/Ecce Homo, The Anti-Christ, The Gay Science: with a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs, and so many more. In his book Birth of Tragedy he argues for his interpretation of the creative forces behind Greek Art as a balance between... to cope with its struggle against itself and unable to free itself from these instincts, it attempts to conquer and tame itself as much as possible. Nietzsche concludes that "man would rather will nothingness than not will." On January 3, 1889, Nietzsche had a breakdown while strolling in front of his apartment in Carlo Alberto Square in Turin, where he reportedly embraced a horse being flogged by the owner. This event marks the end of his writing career. Nietzsche was a very complex man, and writer. His works influence many of people. His sister took over the management of his intellectual legacy, gathering a cult, which grew quickly and very fast. It is not after all, a chance if he was one of the few philosophers to give some thought to the philosophical importance of food, migraines, and other complications, which allegedly played a role in how his persona.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Diabetes, Minority Status, and the African American and Hispanic American Communities :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Diabetes, Minority Status, and the African American and Hispanic American Communities In March of 2003, a bill known as the "Minority Population Diabetes Prevention and Control Act of 2003" was introduced to Congress, and then referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. According to this bill's findings, "minority populations, including African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians, have the highest incidence of diabetes and the highest complications of the disease" (1). The alarming rate at which the incidence of diabetes is affecting African American and Hispanic American communities has led the government, health care professionals, clinics, and other organizations to begin to question the process by which information and treatment is being accessed by members of these communities. Diabetes mellitus is defined as "a group of diseases characterized by high levels of blood glucose, which result from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both" (2). There are two types of diabetes, one that "occurs when the body produces little or no insulin, and that typically affects children and young adults," and the other, which "typically develops in adults, and occurs when the body does not use insulin effectively", types II diabetes being the most common (3). According to the CDC and the National Center for Health Statistics, "the number of Americans with diabetes in the year 2000 was 17 million or 6.2 percent of the population, as compared to 15.7 million (5.9 percent) in 1998" (4). However, and on average, Hispanic Americans and African Americans are almost twice as likely to have diabetes in comparison to white Americans. In addition, African Americans and Hispanic Americans show a higher incidence of suffering from diabetes related complications including but not limited to eye and kidney disease, amputations, heart disease, heart stroke etc (5). Various factors are said to increase the chances of developing type II diabetes. These factors fall under two categories-genetics and medical/lifestyle risk factors, which include impaired glucose tolerance, gestational diabetes, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance, obesity and physical activity (6). Although studies have shied away from making direct correlations between obesity/physical activity and the susceptibility of developing type II diabetes, researchers suspect, however, that a lack of exercise and obesity, as well as other unidentifiable factors, may be contributing to the high diabetes rates in African American and Hispanic American communities. The NHANES III survey indicated that "50 percent of African American men/65 percent of Mexican American men, and 67 percent of African American women/74 percent of Mexican American women participated in little or no exercise" (7).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Teen Workers Essay -- essays research papers

Teen Workers Fifteen years old and working seems to be becoming a norm and in fact there are many teenagers younger than fifteen who are already working at paying jobs. Some of these students are as young as 12 years old. More than half of the secondary school students have paying jobs. This number grows each grade level the student goes up. The number of hours also rises along with the grade level. The kind of job varies depending on the sex of the child. Boys tend to deliver newspapers and girls tend to babysit. As the teens grow older the job interest change with teenage girls turning to restaurants and retail outlets, while the boys will work in the family business , restaurants and other food related businesses. The hours that the kids have to chose from are usually form 6a.m. to 8a.m delivering newspapers and 8p.m to 6a.m. for babysitting. Most other jobs are scheduled 3pm till 10pm during the week while weekend jobs tend to have schedules of 7 to 8 hours per day. The Higher Education Board says that working more than 15 hours a week is bad for the academic career . As the work hours increase the study time decreases. Current research finds that a work schedule of 10 hours or less seems to be the best and for most teenagers a schedule of 10 hours does not effect their academic performance, in negative ways but in fact seems to help them do better in school shown by improved grades. Those teens working 10 to 15 hours per week are in a toss up situation with some doing... Teen Workers Essay -- essays research papers Teen Workers Fifteen years old and working seems to be becoming a norm and in fact there are many teenagers younger than fifteen who are already working at paying jobs. Some of these students are as young as 12 years old. More than half of the secondary school students have paying jobs. This number grows each grade level the student goes up. The number of hours also rises along with the grade level. The kind of job varies depending on the sex of the child. Boys tend to deliver newspapers and girls tend to babysit. As the teens grow older the job interest change with teenage girls turning to restaurants and retail outlets, while the boys will work in the family business , restaurants and other food related businesses. The hours that the kids have to chose from are usually form 6a.m. to 8a.m delivering newspapers and 8p.m to 6a.m. for babysitting. Most other jobs are scheduled 3pm till 10pm during the week while weekend jobs tend to have schedules of 7 to 8 hours per day. The Higher Education Board says that working more than 15 hours a week is bad for the academic career . As the work hours increase the study time decreases. Current research finds that a work schedule of 10 hours or less seems to be the best and for most teenagers a schedule of 10 hours does not effect their academic performance, in negative ways but in fact seems to help them do better in school shown by improved grades. Those teens working 10 to 15 hours per week are in a toss up situation with some doing...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Horror Films

Movies have been growing increasingly more explicit for years. Horror films are no longer based on a cleverly written script with lots of twists and turns, but rather how graphic and twisted the images are throughout the movie. Horror films are appealing to viewers for various reasons. In fact, according to some film critics, â€Å"good† horror films have particular characteristics. Maggie McCutcheon in â€Å"Too Disturbing, Too Shocking,† According to Olson, people particularly enjoy experiencing the end of their fear and terror.Once the fear and terror have ended, people feel better. And, according to Stephen King in â€Å"Why We Crave Horror Movies,† horror films can help us confront our fears, and help us deal with the â€Å"bad side† of ourselves. Given the wide variety of characteristics â€Å"good â€Å"horror films have, this paper will address two specific characteristics of horror films. One characteristic is visual images/suggestions that symb olize our fears. Another characteristic is vitality or strength of source of horror.In order to analyze the characteristics of horror films, I viewed Poltergeist, an early 1980s film about a family being haunted by earthbound spirits, and I also read four definitive articles about horror films. One characteristic of a good horror films is visual images/suggestions that symbolize our fears. Stanley J. Solomon in â€Å"The Nightmare World† claims the cinema of horror concretizes this nightmare world- our abstract fears of destruction and death.The Midnight visits of vampires, the laboratory induced reincarnations, the skull deformities, the murders in the fog – these visual images of the genre may be the symbols of our fears rather than the psychological source of them, but the terror without a body is terror deprived of a means of menacing us. The movie Poltergeist certainly has this characteristic. Examples of visual images from the movie is a scary clown that looks me an , sitting in the chair and has the ability to move , goes under Robbie’s bed.A hand reaching out of the TV also the gateway for the beast to reach Carol Anne, parents later communicate with Carol Anne through the TV. Another image is a Dead tree outside the house making scary shadows every time it storms and also tries to eat Robbie. And in the closet there is a monster that takes Carol Anne and at the end of the movie the closet turns in to a Giant throat with a serpent coming out of it sucking the house in to the earth. So clearly the viewers can see the characteristic of isual images in the horror film Poltergeist. Another characteristic of a horror film is Vitality or strength of source of horror. Stanley J. Solomon in â€Å"The Nightmare World† claims If the depiction of archetypal fears is one aspect of the genre, the process whereby these fears become dramatic incidents in a film reveals at least two other genre traits: the degree of unpreparedness on the par t of the endangered victim, and the vitality or strength of the source of horror. The movie Poltergeist certainly has this characteristic.Some examples are a normal looking neighborhood, Tweety dies , Steven has a remote control war with his neighbor , Carol Anne answers the TV people questions, Diane mentions the swimming pool what if Carol Anne falls in, the way the clown looks when its lighting in the kids room and when the Tree and storm clouds look and the hand reaching out from the TV, but only Carol Anne sees it- rest of the family thinks it’s a earthquake and the chairs stacked up, out from the table , and Robbie utensils are bent.So you can definitely tell that Poltergeist has the characteristic in the film. In conclusion Poltergeist clearly reflects the characteristics of having visual images/suggestions that symbolize our fears and of allowing viewers a degree of unpreparedness on the part of the endangered victim. Based on my evaluation, I believe Poltergeist is a very effective horror film.In fact, according to Tim Dirks article states that horror films are generally set in spooky old mansions or fog shrouded, dark locales, with â€Å"unknown,† supernatural or grotesque creatures, ranging from vampires, madmen, devils unfriendly ghost, monsters, even the unseen, diabolical presence of evil. This is the case with Poltergeist, and I think many people still like this horror film till this day.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fantastik All-Purpose Cleaners

Case: fantastik All-Purpose Cleaners Key Decision: Develop a brand strategy to increase fantastik’s sales and maintain its leadership position in the increasingly competitive all-purpose cleaner market. Problem/Opportunity: fantastik has limited financial resources to promote and develop its brand. Also, other heavy price discounting and new higher-priced cleaning products have threatened fantastik’s market leading position. Thus, fantastik needs to lower its retail price or innovate product categories to attract and maintain customers.Stakeholders: Johnson family benefit from the profits earned and success of the business. Customers need the strong cleaning function provided by the cleaners. Employees need a stable and safe working environment and expected salaries. Analysis: Internal: fantastik has leading brand equity in industry and strong social responsibility that commit to communities and the environment, thus customers who pursue green lifestyle could be loyal t o fantastic. Moreover, fantastik’s retail price $3. 9 is relatively high compared with its competitors, thus it may lose customers who are price sensitive. External: Consumers are moving towards environmentally friendly products, it gives fantastik a good opportunity and competitive advantage to compete with other competitors. Consumer Analysis: The target market is women aged from 25 to 49 who are responsible for the cleanness at home and has upper household income. They are concerned about quality of life, thus they prefer to purchase product with high quality.Competitive Analysis: The competitors are other all-purpose cleaners such as Lysol, Easy Off Bam, Mr. Clean, Vim, Hertel and private label. Those competitors offer lower retail price than fantastik and have strong cleaning function. Especially, private label products have the advantage of high margin for retailer and good shelf space. Alternative Marketing Strategies: Decision criteria: 1. Maintain competitive market share 2. Commit to environment 3. Allocate limited financial recourses successfullyAlternatives: 1. Develop new form of product and consistent with environmental responsibility. 2. Reduce retail price to remain competitive in the market. 3. Develop new scent of fantastik. It will cost too much to do market research and test and it’s easy to be copied by competitors. Recommendation: Decision: fantastik should develop new form of product and be consistent with environmental responsibility to attract more customers and improve household penetration, thus it can extend its product life cycle.Implementation Plan: Marketing Strategy: Target women aged from 25 to 49 who are responsible to do the cleanness of home and position high quality and functional benefit of product. Marketing Mix: Produce higher quality and new function product and commit to environment responsibility to earn brand equity from customers, and use higher retail price to indicate its high quality and make profit through high margin in the beginning.Moreover, company should use personal selling, product show and shelf advertising as promotion strategy. Finally, company can choose convenience stores nearby community as distribution centres in addition to major grocery, drug and mass merchandisers. Expected Results: fantastik can increase its dollar share by 4% in 2007 and keep its market leading position through implementing the marketing strategy.

Leadership qualities of harry s. truman

Harry S. Truman became President of the United States with the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. During his nearly eight years in office, Truman confronted enormous challenges in both foreign and domestic affairs. The leadership paradigm of the Truman years represented a blend of 19th century principles and postwar austerity. He was admired for his ability to maintain his Midwestern demure while being one of the world’s most prominent leaders as President of the United States. Truman was a compromise candidate for vice president, almost an accidental president after Roosevelt’s death 12 weeks into his second term. Truman’s stunning come-from-behind victory in the 1948 election showed how ordinary Americans, perhaps, appreciated his personal qualities of integrity and straightforwardness as McCullough notes, because he was one himself. Most Americans in the 1950s did not expect that Harry Truman would become one of their most highly regarded presidents. Truman's assets were his firm personal principles, his honesty, humility, intellectual integrity, and homespun character, and his ability to speak plain truths. Regardless of his lack of preparation, these qualities enabled him to face the challenges of the cold war, make portentous decisions, and retain the respect of the electorate, who accepted him as one of them. He could be magnanimous, as in his gesture of consulting with former President Herbert Hoover, long barred from the Roosevelt White House. He could be intrepid, as in his determination to remove General Douglas MacArthur from command in Korea, in order to preserve the superiority of the civilian government over the military. In 1948 Truman won the most unexpected election upset of the century. He ultimately prevailed. Truman succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as president before the end of World War II. He responded quickly to new challenges. Impulsive, he proved willing to make quick decisions when necessary. Additionally, he took responsibility for his decisions. His slogan, â€Å"The Buck Stops Here†, is famous in American politics. Intellectual integrity is another area in which Truman’s values are evident. A chief strength of his was the ability to admit the need for help.   By incorporating the strengths of his staff, Truman was able to make educated and well thought out decisions. He attempted to galvanize himself as a knowledgeable and effective leader. Acheson never ceased to be impressed that Truman had no trace of imperiousness about him and never let his ego to come between him and his job. Truman’s handling of Palestine is another example of his effective leadership. The issue of whether or not to create a unified Jewish state was divisive and risky. Although he left the presidency in 1953 at low ebb in his popularity, his standing rose again over the years. After his death on December 26, 1972, he achieved the status of folk hero. Songs proclaimed: â€Å"America Needs You Harry Truman.† A Broadway play, â€Å"Give ‘Em Hell, Harry† was based on his life story, and biographies of him became best sellers. Truman’s legacy has become clearer and more impressive in the years since he left office. Most scholars admit that the President faced enormous challenges domestically, internationally, and politically. While he occasionally failed to measure accurately the nation’s political tenor and committed some significant policy blunders, Truman achieved notable successes. Domestically, he took important first steps in civil rights, protected many of the New Deal’s gains, and presided over an economy that would enjoy nearly two decades of unprecedented growth. In foreign affairs, the President and his advisers established many of the basic foundations of America foreign policy, especially in American-Soviet relations, that would guide the nation in the decades ahead. On the whole, Truman is currently celebrated by the public, politicians, and scholars alike. REFERENCE McCullough, D. (1992). Truman. New York: Simon & Schuster.            

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Goodman Brown’s Battle with Good and Evil Essay

In â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† the setting plays an important role. It provides symbolism to certain events and provokes emotions amongst the characters, especially those of Goodman Brown. The central idea of the story is the conflict in Goodman Brown between joining the devil and remaining â€Å"good. † It is a very difficult journey for Brown, as he travels through the woods, all the while thinking of the â€Å"good† things he would be leaving behind, like his wife Faith. This internal conflict ultimately destroys Young Goodman Brown and creates a new man. At the beginning of the story, Goodman Brown sets out on his journey at sunset, symbolizing darkness and evil. Before Brown leaves, he kisses his wife, Faith, goodbye. The name Faith is intentionally used to symbolize the faith in God that they both share and also what Brown leaves behind to go on his journey. Faith wears pink ribbons in her hair, which give the impression that she is an innocent godly woman. Before Brown leaves on his journey, Faith says, â€Å"pr’y thee, put off your journey until sunrise. † This is showing that sunrise is a more pleasant and peaceful time to go on a journey rather than at night when it is considered dangerous to roam about. This sets the mood for Brown’s adventure and foreshadows that something horrible is about to happen to him. As Brown starts on his adventure, he remembers that his wife had dreams of this particular adventure, dreams that warned him not to go. This feeling of uncertainty sparks a feeling of anxiety in Brown as he continues walking through the forest and on with his journey. Soon after, the scenery around him begins to change and the road becomes â€Å"darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind. † This quote describes the dark and gloomy surroundings that Brown walks through on his journey and creates the mood of fear and hesitance as he continues on his way. As Brown walks along, he comes to encounter a man dressed in grave and decent attire. The man states, â€Å"You are late, Goodman Brown,† and Brown replies by saying, â€Å"Faith kept me back awhile. † In literal terms, he speaks of his wife, but metaphorically he could be speaking of his faith in God and how it almost kept him from embarking on his journey. Later on in Brown’s journey, he meets a man with a cane that resembles a snake, symbolizing evil. Brown then protests against the devil saying, â€Å"With heaven above, and Faith below, I will yet stand firm against the devil! † He lifts his hands to pray, and a huge black cloud hides the stars to which he prays upon. This black cloud symbolizes evil destroying Brown’s faith. Throughout Brown’s journey dark and light, white and black, all play a part in creating the setting for Brown’s surroundings. When Brown returns home, it is daylight; this symbolizes innocence and freedom from the journey he just experienced. Throughout the story, Brown goes from being a static character to a dynamic one. The reason for this transformation is because of his conflict with â€Å"the devil† which is external, and by the conflict within himself which internal. The conflict Brown shares with the devil is caused by the devil tempting Brown to join the dark side. The way in which the devil lures Brown is by convincing him that his relatives and town’s people have already crossed over to the dark side and denied their faith. The struggle that Brown now faces is whether to follow his relatives and town’s people, or to follow his faith in God and deny the devil, which is Brown’s internal conflict. These internal and external conflicts turned Brown into a dynamic character by the end of the story. Instead of believing and trusting that his relatives and friends are godly, he now knows that they have all been tempted by the devil and many have crossed over to the dark side; he went from being trusting to skeptical of his friends and his faith.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

High school Confidential Essay

Some people say that high school is the most crucial part of a student’s life but others they say that it is the happiest chapter of a student’s life. There are a lot of things that a teenager wants to explore and it starts when one reaches high school; curiosity starts in this part of a person’s life. But did it ever occur to your minds what happens in a typical and an atypical high school class? Have you ever pictured in your minds what is it like being in a high school class? Have you ever wondered how the students’ relationship with their teachers is? What do the students do often? In this section â€Å"demented kindergarten†, of the book â€Å"High School Confidential† Iversen tackles about the relationship of an atypical high school students with their teacher. This chapter shows how the students get along in class and how they treat each other. It also talks about what goes on between the students. Through Charity and Vic’s relationship as classmates, as shown in the section demented kindergarten, Iversen shows that respect was lacking among the students. There is no good relationship between the two students; it employs that there was no respect for women. In this section, Iversen also shows the domineering nature of man over women. In Charity and Vic’s relationship it was shown that Vic does not have respect over Charity as a woman. Although Vic and Charity were classmates and charity was a girl Vic did not bother to talk to her in a disrespectful manner; it is not lawful to talk to women in an odd way because it degrades women’s confidence and dignity. When Vic said that he had a hung over, Charity was kind enough to tell him to take Advil for his headache, but instead of saying thank you to Charity Vic yelled at her and called her a slut. It was not proper for him to call Charity a slut because he is not in the position to scrutinize someone, most especially women. Disrespect and power over women was also portrayed through Vic and Sara. As Iversen had written in his book, Vic spun Sara’s chair until she can no longer take it and tumbled. Sara did not oppose Vic while he was spinning her chair; she just let him do what he wanted to do because Vic was more powerful than Sara; because Sara might have felt that she can not do anything to stop Vic because she was helpless. Although Vic knows that Sara would be helpless and might tumble if he would spin the chair faster he still managed to spin Sara’s chair without hesitation. In the social context of the book â€Å"High School Confidential, Iversen’s observation about how men disrespect women and the domineering nature of man is very common. Vic is powerful in the social structure of their school he was a bully. And because he is a man he is over empowering women, like Charity and Sara, around him. He is fund of dominating because he is a man; he wanted to show that he is more powerful than women. Men are domineering in nature and they seek superiority over women; they raise their manliness by doing things to make women look and feel helpless and less powerful. This nature of men is actually very visible in the society and in some cultures. Just like in Japan, men of Japan do typical things that a man does; earning money for the family and being the head of the family, they are not suppose to be seen in kitchen because it would be a disgrace for their manliness. While women of Japan are suppose to do only household chores, they are not entitled to do manly things. Some men show their manliness in other ways such as sadism, they tend to beat their wives because they wanted to show that they are the more powerful kind and that no one can oppose them most especially women, but some men do the beating habitually that’s why many government agencies help battered women. That is also why there are republic acts which tend to help women against violence. A single insult to women can be treated as violence against them; telling them that they are slut, whore and the likes. Cursing women and saying various words that might degrade them can be called violence against women. In the section â€Å"demented kindergarten† Iversen tells the domineering nature of men is a problem of our society. Everybody is not aware of this problem that is why Iversen made a way on how to communicate with the society through his book â€Å"High School Confidential†. Iversen wants others to know that in simple ways such as bullying a classmate can employ male domination. Iversen also exploited the disrespectfulness of men to women. Although the theme of the section is not that clear and visible unless understood, Iversen had still managed to write the book in the most convenient way he knows (Iversen)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Alcohol impact on family life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Alcohol impact on family life - Essay Example This is combined with alterations that are associated with key life events that lead to more dependency and negative turns associated within their lives. The events, both individually and within the family, are known to continue to affect individuals and families negatively through the dependence on alcohol (Dawson et al, 5: 2006). There are two ways in which alcohol begins to affect the family life of others in a negative manner. The first comes from teaching other families about the dependence on alcohol. In a recent survey (Seljamo et al, 984: 2006), it was found that there was a subsequent use of alcohol dependency on children who were consistently associated with dependency on alcohol. Those that had parents who were dependent on alcohol were found to have high rates in using the alcohol consistently. At 15 years of age, 83% of girls and 79% of boys began using alcohol, specifically with association of parents who were dependent on alcohol. The best predictors were a combination of drinking by parents when children were young and heavy drinking from the father of the household (Seljamo et al, 984: 2006). The addiction that was noted among children from the example is also a hindrance to the family because of cycles of abuse on other levels that begin to occur. The alcohol that is used from a state of dependency is one which is considered abusive and which can lead to responses which differ because of cognitive changes as well as emotional responses from the alcohol. This can lead to other forms of abuse in the household, ranging from altering behaviors, mental and physical abuse to others in the home. This impacts those who are directly impacted by the abuse as well as those who are in the environment and which are subjected to the impact which comes from the alcohol use. The result is changing cognitive responses from the household, specifically because of the way in which the abuse begins to rise in the household (Groh et al, 49: 2007). Examining Alcohol Abuse The complexities of alcohol abuse and the known changes which alter in the family lead to more questions about how alcohol abuse may affect behaviors. To further explain this, a survey can be conducted that relates to the use of alcohol, specifically which comes from relations in the family. The survey includes an impact of how alcoholic behaviors are determined through generations and the family. The understanding of abusive behaviors, such as how often one drinks, who one drinks with, situations one is in and relationships with family will be examined. There will then be an understanding of how this may influence others negatively and with the behaviors within families. Conclusion By examining alcohol abuse in the family, there is the ability to understand how the dynamics of individuals change, specifically because of the use of alcohol. While it is known that alcohol dependency leads to abuse in the family, as well as children using alcohol from the use of their parents, there are other areas which can be examined to determine how alcohol affects different individuals. Understanding what triggers one to drink, specifically which may arise from the conditions one is in, to creating an understanding of the events which occur to lead one to drink and to respond to those that are influenced by the alcohol can create an understanding of the patterns of behaviors that influence those who are involved with

Monday, August 12, 2019

Teaching and Learning Strategies for Patients and Family members of Essay

Teaching and Learning Strategies for Patients and Family members of Toddlers with Asthma - Essay Example From Koenig (2007), we are informed that in the United States children with asthma 4 years of age and younger are increasing and disproportionately affecting children who live in poverty and urban areas who are African American or Latino. Koenig (2007, p. 223) also informed us that that preventing, identifying, and controlling asthma symptoms â€Å"remains complex among children who are very young† although we certainly know more of the pathophysiology of asthma today compared to several years ago. Koenig (2007) pointed out that it is essential for health providers to inquire on the family constellations. This is relevant for training and learning because we have to identify the family members who are with the child most so a nurse can focus on them for teaching and learning activities when appropriate. We also learned from Koenig (2007) that parents and family members can be intimately familiar with a child’s distressed breathing and, because of this, nurses must have respectful stance on the parents’ and family members’ â€Å"expertise† in evaluating the severity of a child’s asthma attack. Koenig (2007) emphasized that other than education on symptom recognition and instructions on pharmacological intervention, there is s a need to develop collaboratively developed crisis management with family members or representatives in the event of an asthma attack.... We also learned from Koenig (2007) that parents and family members can be intimately familiar with a child’s distressed breathing and, because of this, nurses must have respectful stance on the parents’ and family members’ â€Å"expertise† in evaluating the severity of a child’s asthma attack. Koenig (2007) emphasized that other than education on symptom recognition and instructions on pharmacological intervention, there is s a need to develop collaboratively developed crisis management with family members or representatives in the event of an asthma attack. Based on the work of Diette et al. (2008) and Koenig (2007), it may be possible that low income groups are more vulnerable to asthma because of their exposure to poor environmental conditions and pollution. It follows therefore that the training and learning strategy must factor in the environmental situation confronted by the asthma patient and it also follows that the nurse must inquire into t he environmental conditions confronted by the asthma patient. Some of the risk factors for asthma include house dust mites, companion animal allergens, cockroaches, fungi, pollutants, and distress (Pedersen et al., 2011). The preventive strategies for asthma include avoiding exposure to atmospheric pollution, avoiding unnecessary use of antibiotics in young children, and providing a calm and nurturing environment (Pedersen et al., 11). Pedersen et al. (2011, pp. 9-14) provided a treatment strategy, a set of recommendations on the use of a home action plan for family and caregivers, and identified the situations where hospitalization are likely needed. Guidelines on Children with Asthma The US Department of Health and Human Services, through the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, has developed a

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Political systems and economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political systems and economics - Essay Example The society is viewed as a mesh of different people vying for different interests, that the art of reasoning, ruling and governance among the others, is essential to unify the society to act to a common vote, to pursue a certain interest. It explains how the governing political body and its directives affect the collective behavior of the players in the society Economics' parameters are set on scarcity, the use of incentives, the application of efficient economic tools and models, all to satisfy and suffice human's current and future wants and needs. Economics lies on maximizing and making sound decisions to make efficient use of existing scarce resources. Nothing in life is free, as explained by the concept of opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the value foregone in pursuit of another activity or good of interest. Everything individuals do has a tradeoff. An individual's Economic decisions are motivated by incentives, a mechanism which motivates decisions and activities. Economics is different from political systems in the sense that, economics could go on forever without laying a hand on it to make it work; and in its continuity, it is only susceptible to its own natural dynamics. Politics now depends on the intervention and control of men. While economics seeks to explain occurrences through long-wearing principles, politics is just mainly an experimental, temporary tool in human affairs. "One (economics) is amoral, the other (politics) is moral" ("Economics versus Politics"). Both political science and economics acknowledges the participants in the society's selfish interests, that, control of which is delivered by laws and punishment in lieu of political science, and motivated by incentives and disincentives in lieu of economics. Economics, unlike political science though, is tackled like one of the exact sciences through the use of models, equations and numerical treatment to explain or forecast the situations governing and a society. ("Economics versus Politics") The book chapter is posing the challenges of the economic environment, and such may be seen as problems to solve, to outwit. QUESTION 2: Feudalism is a socio-political system wherein land and land-based assets determine an individual's social status. Land ownership entitles the owners of the manors-now equivalent to villages-exclusive rights to their lands, spending decisions with their money and other assets and administering homage for their serfs and vassals ("Feudalism and Medieval Life"). Serfs, peasants, vassals and landlords are the primary movers in the social structure and the king played only a representative role in the society. Serfs are the tenants sustained by the landowners. They are at the foot of the social structure. They serve their landowners who are responsible for their sustenance. He's devoid of tangible property and his marriage is subject to the landowner's permission ("Feudalism and Medieval Life"). Vassals are the more privileged than serfs. They have a certain amount of freedom although they live poor lives. They comprise 10-60 families living on a community. Landlords or barons ruled the manors, which pertains to the villages during the Middle Ages. The landlords serve as the local administrator of their lands and numerous serfs and vassals serve and protect him, as he is also accountable to them. Due to the Black Plague, The hundred year war and the

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Petroleum supply in the usa Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Petroleum supply in the usa - Term Paper Example According to the energy sector of the United States, petroleum products meets about 40 % of the Americans needs and wants. Most of the American citizens worry about the harzoudous effects of oil on the environment and they would like the nation to keep moving and acquiring more sustainable oil sources. Additionally, there is controversy over the political stage management and the sources of the American oil, which is vital in meeting the demands of oil in the American state (, 1). In more than 200 million years, formation of oil beneath the surface of the earth occurs continuously. However, in 200 years time, the rate of consumption of the oil formed beneath the surface of the earth is high. Research done shows that in 40 years to come, depletion of the oil resources remaining would occur. The United States would still have other fossil oil like shale, oil, coal, tar, sands and natural gas. This means that even if depletion of all the oil resources occurs in the United States, they would still have other fossil fuels that would earn them capital. United States do not only depend on the sale of oil as their only source of income but they have other sources. However, most of these energy resources are too expensive and the process of converting them to transportable fuels for use would cause harm to the environment as they produce harmful emissions to the surroundings (Glass, 5). Between the year 1950 and 1970, the world demand for oil has increased from 11 million barrels to 57 barrel respectively. The United States consumes almost 20.7 barrels of oil, which is the most compared to other countries, which are the five next largest consumers of oil, which Germany, Japan, Russia, China and India. The United States remains the largest consumer of oil even though the world demand for oil has increased as the economies of China and India has developed (Wright, 1). In the year 2009, refineries used an

Feasibility study for Creating my own business where I buy and sell Research Paper

Feasibility study for Creating my own business where I buy and sell homes, I will hire employees and need the funding - Research Paper Example Currently the concept of entrepreneurship is widely accepted and is judged as a vital part of the contemporary world and a well established erudite discipline (Thompson 35-50). Moreover, government of a number of countries also judge entrepreneurship as a mantra for success and development of the economy. The present study aims to evaluate feasibility of a new business venture. it will include buying and selling of homes and will come under real estate sector. Also, employees will be recruited for the business and funding will be provided with government institutions such as banks. The study will evaluate the various factors influencing a real estate business. These include operations, economical, marketing, financial etc. Also support services required for overall establishment of the business will be discussed. The target market for the business will be discussed and a systematic analysis of business strategies will be done. Target market One of the foundations of building a good b usiness is finding out clients. As it is commonly said, until we know whom to sell, it is almost impossible to know how to sell. Choosing a target market not only helps to focus on a niche segment, but also helps in fine tuning the support services to suit the target market needs. In order to define a niche target market, two broad categories can be established. Income levels and life stage The first target groups in this category are first time sellers or buyers. The probable home they seek will be of basic design and construction and afterwards working their way up in the property ladder as their income, family and needs grow. The next target group will be customers purchasing a second home who either are looking to downside or upsize. Other target group will be high end expensive and luxury seller or buyer. Doing business with these clients will mean higher commission, high amount of hand-holding and personal involvement, monetary risk and expensive collaterals (Beri 46-69). Apar t from the above, there are recreational buyers who need highly specialized and unique areas of focus. Demographics According to age demographics, clients can be divided into seniors, gen X and gen Y. accordingly, different business tactics can be made in order to attract these demographics into the business. While it is clear that seniors will look for a more traditional and ethnic style, gen X will be contemporary and evolving while gen Y will be technologically oriented (Croft 35-50). Each of the groups discussed above have their collective individuality, cultural icons, memories that can be worked with. Another criterion which can be added is through philosophy and lifestyle which may include country or city, a detached or fully integrated lifestyle, an eco-friendly environment or a home with full amenities (Hoagland and Williamson 57-75). Apart from that, business can also consider factors such as current location of the clients, real estate as well as educational levels of cli ents. In order to facilitate the process of acquiring right target market, the business can also